Advertisers Disclosure

Effective Date: June 12, 2024


Welcome to (“we,” “our,” or “us”), a subsidiary of iToolPro Inc. This Advertisers Disclosure explains how we generate revenue from advertising and sponsored content, and how this affects the information and services we provide on our website.

How We Make Money generates revenue through various forms of advertising and sponsored content. These include:
  • Display Ads: We display advertisements on our website that may be served by third-party advertising networks.
  • Sponsored Content: We may publish articles, reviews, or other content that is sponsored by advertisers. Sponsored content will be clearly marked to distinguish it from editorial content.
  • Affiliate Links: We may include affiliate links in our content. When you click on an affiliate link and make a purchase, we may receive a commission from the sale at no additional cost to you.

Editorial Integrity

We are committed to maintaining editorial integrity and providing our users with accurate and unbiased information. Our editorial content is created independently of our advertisers and is not influenced by advertising relationships. We clearly distinguish between editorial content and sponsored content to ensure transparency.

Advertiser Relationships

We work with various advertisers and advertising networks to serve ads on our website. These third-party advertisers may use cookies and similar technologies to collect information about your visits to our site and other websites in order to provide you with targeted advertisements based on your interests.

Affiliate Relationships

We participate in affiliate marketing programs, which means we may earn commissions on purchases made through our affiliate links. Our participation in these programs does not influence our editorial content or the recommendations we make. We strive to provide objective and helpful information to our users.

Sponsored Content

Sponsored content is content that has been created in partnership with an advertiser or is paid for by an advertiser. Sponsored content will always be clearly labeled as such to distinguish it from our editorial content. We maintain editorial control over the content to ensure it meets our standards of quality and relevance.

Changes to This Disclosure

We may update this Advertisers Disclosure from time to time. We will notify you of any changes by posting the new disclosure on this page. You are advised to review this disclosure periodically for any changes. Changes to this disclosure are effective when they are posted on this page.